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Ditana: The New Arch-Based Linux Distro That Balances Power and Usability

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Linux enthusiasts are always on the lookout for the next big thing in the world of distributions, and Ditana GNU/Linux has quickly caught the attention of many. Combining the customizability of Arch Linux with user-friendly features, Ditana is poised to be a compelling choice for both seasoned Linux users and newcomers seeking a powerful, secure,… Read More »Ditana: The New Arch-Based Linux Distro That Balances Power and Usability

Why BSD Is Not as Popular as Linux

Why BSD Is Not as Popular as Linux

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The world of open-source operating systems is vast, with Linux and BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) standing out as prominent players. While Linux has grown into a household name, powering everything from smartphones to supercomputers, BSD remains a niche option, often overshadowed by its open-source sibling. This raises a compelling question: Why is BSD not as… Read More »Why BSD Is Not as Popular as Linux

Top 10 Linux Distributions

Top 10 Linux Distributions on Distrowatch in 2024

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Linux distributions (or “distros”) provide the foundation for countless users around the world. Each distro has its own unique features, catering to a wide range of preferences. Here, we present the top 10 most popular Linux distributions on Distrowatch in 2024 along with their brief descriptions and download links. 1. MX Linux MX Linux continues… Read More »Top 10 Linux Distributions on Distrowatch in 2024

MakuluLinux: A Distro for All Tastes

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MakuluLinux is a versatile and innovative Linux distribution that has gained popularity for its user-friendly approach and diverse set of editions tailored to different preferences. Built as a rolling-release system, MakuluLinux offers a modern and consistent experience by combining the strengths of either Ubuntu’s Long-Term Support (LTS) base or Debian’s Testing branch. With pre-installed multimedia… Read More »MakuluLinux: A Distro for All Tastes

centos stream 10

CentOS Stream 10 released

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The CentOS Project has announced the general availability of CentOS Stream 10, codenamed “Coughlan,” marking a significant advancement in the CentOS distribution. What is CentOS Stream? CentOS Stream serves as a continuous delivery platform for upcoming Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) releases. It operates as a midstream between the upstream development in Fedora Linux and… Read More »CentOS Stream 10 released

Ubuntu 24.10

Ubuntu 24.10 codenamed Oracular Oriole, released

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Ubuntu 24.10, codenamed “Oracular Oriole,” has been released, bringing a variety of significant updates and features. This version is powered by the Linux 6.11 kernel, providing improved hardware support and performance. Canonical has shifted to a more aggressive kernel selection policy, ensuring that users have access to the latest features at the time of release.… Read More »Ubuntu 24.10 codenamed Oracular Oriole, released


rlxOS GNU/Linux: A Secure, User-Friendly, and Independent Linux Distro

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rlxOS is an open-source, privacy-oriented GNU/Linux distribution built from scratch with a focus on user experience, security, and performance. Designed as a rolling-release operating system, it combines the simplicity of use with the robustness required for secure and stable computing. Let’s explore the key features that set rlxOS apart from other Linux distributions. Independence and… Read More »rlxOS GNU/Linux: A Secure, User-Friendly, and Independent Linux Distro

secure linux distro

Tails: The Secure Linux Distro

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Secure Linux Distro Tails, short for “The Amnesic Incognito Live System,” is a specialized Linux distribution designed with security and privacy in mind. It is built on Debian GNU/Linux and aims to ensure users’ anonymity by routing internet traffic through the Tor network. Tails is a live operating system, meaning it runs from a USB… Read More »Tails: The Secure Linux Distro

chrome or chromium

Chrome or Chromium: Which Browser Should You Use?

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Chrome or Chromium? When it comes to web browsers, Google Chrome is a household name, renowned for its speed, compatibility, and seamless integration with Google services. However, you might have come across another browser called Chromium and wondered how it compares to Chrome. Although they share a common foundation, there are significant differences between the… Read More »Chrome or Chromium: Which Browser Should You Use?